Train Tracking

How to track live train location in Bangladesh

Here is a step by step guide for tracking train location in Bangladesh.

Follow these steps:

  1. Find the train number or code from the original printed train ticket or from the table provided in the table below.
  2. Type TR followed by a space and the train number or code. For example, TR 717 or TR Joyantika.
  3. Send the SMS to 16318 from your Robi, Grameenphone, Airtel or Banglalink mobile phone.
  4. Wait for the reply message that will contain the current location, next stoppage, and real-time departure of the train.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 as needed to track the train location until you reach your destination.
Train name Train no Train Code Off Day Starting Point Destination

Benefits of Live Train Tracking System in Bangladesh

  • Train travelers can get the current location of a train in real time with 5-second accuracy.
  • Train passengers can get useful information such as train status, departure time, next station, next stoppage, and actual delay time from the SMS reply content.
  • Users can also get timely updates on any unexpected events such as trip cancellation, transshipment, etc. with prior confirmation received from the Bangladesh Rail process.
  • Travelers do not need to wait for an uncertain time at the station for their desired train; rather they can plan their trip according to the information received from the service while staying at home.